mike@ames.arpa (Mike Smithwick) (04/20/88)
[] We have a network of Sun 3s here to do Air Traffic Control simulation. One computer will generate aircraft, another will display the radar screen, and others are "pseudo-pilot" stations for controlling the descent profiles of the aircraft. Needless to say, there are lots of IPC stuff zipping back and forth on Ether.net. Up until now, everything worked okee-dokee. Until. . . (cue dramatic worrisome music) We've just upgraded to SunOS 3.5 (from 3.4), and all of the IPC stuff got screwed up. "Slow" is the word most commonly tossed about. transmissions across sockets are delayed up to several seconds throwing our timing all-2-hell. So far Sun hasn't been of much help, although one guy hinted that there were some new parameters added to the system that weren't documented. I've heard two other complaints about the same problem. Anyone else experience it or have any ideas? *** mike *** : -- *** mike (Cyberpunk in training) smithwick *** "After all, isn't our only real purpose in life merely to make the person next to us slightly more insane than we are?" - Me [disclaimer : nope, I don't work for NASA, I take full blame for my ideas]