Setup: 2 disk Vax 750 running 4.2. An ra60 is the current system pack, an ra81 is the current user pack. Having just received a new ra81 I am looking into reorganizing the disks. I figure on making 1 ra81 the new system pack the second ra81 as the user pack and keeping the ra60 as a removable volume. Pretty easy so far, but in looking at ra81 partition sizes there does not exist a single configuration that might best fit a two disk configuration (/, tmp, usr and swap on first disk and swap and user files on the second disk). There always is some space on the second disk unused. For example: second disk - partition b as swap partition h as user files leaves a and g unused. I dont mind leaving partition a as a spare but does it make sense to combine the g and h partitions into a single larger partition? Is changing the offset and block definitions in uda.c sufficient to make the merge? Even looking at the uda50/mscp driver which has the 4.3BSD tables from uda.c seem to still define a series of little partitions. Does anybody know the rational behind this? [DISCLAIMER: The preceding was brought to you by me and only me] Stan Scalsky Naval Surface Weapons Center - White Oak ARPA: Compuserve: 70337,2015 BIX: sscalsky