(Landon Curt Noll) (06/14/88)
The winners of the 1988 International Obfuscated C Code Contest will be announced during the Usenet BOF. The Usenet BOF is currently scheduled for Wed 6pm to 8pm. The IOCCC winners will be presented at 7pm during the Usenet BOF. The winners will be posted to the net after the Usenix conference, say on June 27 or there abouts to comp.unix.wizards and comp.lang.c. If you won't be at Usenix, and you won't be able to read the posting then send a request to: -or- ...!{uunet,sun,decwrl,ames}!amdahl!judges chongo <happy hacking> /\cc/\ -- [views above shouldn't be viewed as Amdahl views, or as views from Amdahl, or as Amdahl views views, or as views by Mr. Amdahl, or as views from his house]