The PLP (Portable? Public? Powell's? Line Printer) software is available using anonymous FTP from, pub/PLP.tar.Z Note: 1. It is NOT SYSV ready. I have heard that several people are trying to tame the savage 4.X beast, but without 4.X network/socket stuff, and some signal things, it is rough sledding. Cummoooon POSIX!!! Where are you when we need you the most? 2. While PLP does support several printers for a single queue, you cannot specify a particular printer. I am adding this capability to the system. It appears I started out to do this at one point and simply forgot to add the capability. 3. For various reasons, it is NOT plug for plug compatible with the 4.3BSD LPR; however, you have source code; you should be able to fix up anything that is broke :-), and compile and run it on your system. 5. The filter parameters are in a slightly different sequence than the 4.3BSD. There is a compatibility filter (filters/compat.c) that can be used as a front end to invoke a 4.3BSD filter. You can use this to support the ADOBE TRANSCRIPT software, or you can get a modified version of the various filters from me. Note that the modified filters have slightly different (Better?) error messages... You can interface to the IMAGEN software in the same manner, or you can get our modified version with the nice error messages... 6. When you find a bug (NOTE that I said, WHEN, not if...), please report them to me and I will post bug reports/fixes to comp.sources.bugs. 7. Those of you running PCs will be interested to learn that there is a program available that spools to PLP; I think that it is going to be made available on the same terms as PLP and perhaps even incorporated in the PLP distribution. Patrick ("That program has soooo many bugs I call it errorware") Powell Prof. Patrick Powell, Dept. Computer Science, 136 Lind Hall, 207 Church St. SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612)625-3543/625-4002