rfg@nsc.nsc.com (Ron Guilmette) (08/19/88)
Since time immemorial, dedicated men & women of all different races, creeds, and companies (not to mention Universities) have struggled in their loneliness to port the C-shell to System V. I seem to recall that one of them even was posting some of his sad recollections here recently. Will that person (or other persons with similar knowledge) please stand up. I am a C-shell addict, and all I have now is a very crippled port which needs a lot of work. Rather than re-inventing this particular wheel, I'm hoping that someone who reads this will send me some netmail and just plain tell me what has to be done. Of course, the optimum thing would be if someone just sent me diffs for the 4.3 csh, but that would be too good to hope for. Just some helpful hints, such as "fix the xxyyz" would, I'm sure, save me a lot of time. Ron Guilmette National SemiConductor Internet: rfg@nsc.nsc.com or amdahl!nsc!rfg@ames.arc.nasa.gov Uucp: ...{pyramid,sun,amdahl,apple}!nsc!rfg -- Ron Guilmette National SemiConductor Internet: rfg@nsc.nsc.com or amdahl!nsc!rfg@ames.arc.nasa.gov Uucp: ...{pyramid,sun,amdahl,apple}!nsc!rfg