reid@Cascade.ARPA (10/15/84)
The Stanford University research community runs quite a number of VAXen, most running some flavor of Unix. We've been netnews listeners for a couple of years now, getting our news feed from decwrl. Actually we've been posting messages on and off, but we've kept quiet about it for no particular reason. We currently run netnews on 6 machines. Our news topology looks like this: --decwrl--> csl-vax --> cascade --> glacier | +-> carmel | +-> navajo | +-> amador Our unix systems, all of which have mail connections with each other and with the Arpanet, include these. There is quite a number of other Unix systems on campus, but they are not plugged into our ethernet. Ahwahnee Amador Anaheim Andes Ardvax CSL-Vax Camelot Carmel Cascade Coyote Diablo DrWho Fuji Glacier Gregorio Helens Jasper Krakatoa Lancelot Leland Lindy Navajo Pescadero Playfair Safe Shasta Solar Vcap Whitehead Whitney DSN ISL Psych All are VAXes, except that Andes and Jasper are Ridge computers and Amador is a Pyramid computer. Brian Reid reid@glacier.ARPA ..decvax!decwrl!glacier!reid