rd@lri.lri.fr (Roland Dirlewanger) (11/05/88)
I've just installed a Rimfire 3200 controller on Sun 4/260 running SunOs 4.0. After some trivial modifications to the rf.c driver I use on Sun 3's, I could compile the driver and make some tests: read and writes were OK. When I tried to change the partition table the system crashed: some ioctl work, some other crash the system. As far as I could check, it seems that the function "retconf" is responsible for this behaviour. Has someone ported the driver under SunOs 4.0 ? Could s/he send me a copy of it ? Thank's a lot in advance ! PS: please, answer by mail at one of the following addresses: rd@FRLRI61.BITNET or rd@lri.fr or rd@lri.uucp -- Roland Dirlewanger, Universite Paris-Sud, LRI Batiment 490, 91405 Orsay Cedex - France.
hedrick@geneva.rutgers.edu (Charles Hedrick) (11/06/88)
I am sending diffs to fix the Ciprico 3200 driver for a Sun 4. We did report these problems to Ciprico, so I'm surprised they haven't fix them. The problem is that some of the kernel memory management primitives don't guarantee to return you blocks that are aligned to 4 byte boundaries. So if you don't take this into account, you get crashes. Whether you have a problem depends upon what other devices you have. The xt tape driver is known to allocate blocks that are not a multiple of 4, thus causing trouble to Ciprico's driver. It's possible that on Ciprico's test machine, their driver works fine. This public followup is in case the diffs disappear going across the Atlantic. At least you know they're coming.