cdash@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Charles Shub) (11/09/88)
I want to copy a file from my system, a microvax running 4.3+NFS to three separate HP-300 systems. The HP systems have a communication package including ftp. ftp creates the files with permissions rw-rw-rw- and I want them to have permissions rw-r--r--. How, short of logging in to each destination system and doing a chmod, can I do that? The obvious solution would be to change the default ftp permissions on the destination side. can any of you wizards tell me how to do that (or what i should tell root to do). Please mail solutions to me. Thanks... -- charlie shub cdash@boulder.Colorado.EDU -or- ..!{ncar|nbires}!boulder!cdash or even cdash@colospgs (BITNET)