[comp.unix.wizards] problems with setuid

Pabbisetty.henr@xerox.com (Nagesh Pabbisetty) (01/27/89)

Hello Wizards,

Here is a simple one for you.

I am having a problem (explained below) with killing processes using a
c-shell script.

I need a way that ANY user can kill xnsstart and xnshelper by running the
xnskill shellscript. xnsstart and xnshelper are created when I run xnsinit
as "root". 

Could anyone tell me why I am having this problem? How can I remedy this?

Thanks for all the help!

- nagesh.


When I login as an unprevileged/normal user and run "/usr/new/xns/xnskill",
I get the following output:

2347: Not owner

script file name: xnskill
cat xnskill:

# c-shell script file to kill xnsstart and xnshelper
kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnsstart | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`
kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnshelper | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`

pertinent details:

ps -ax :
 2347 p4 I     0:00 /etc/xnsstart le0
 2348 p4 I     0:00 /etc/xnshelper default domain Henr801c default

ps -alx  :

   8201   0  2347     1  0  15  0  40  120 pause    I    p4  0:00
   8001   0  2348     1  0   1  0  48  320 select   I    p4  0:00

ls -l /usr/new/xns:
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root           44 Jan 25 11:40 xnsinit*
-rwsr-sr-x  1 root          173 Jan 26 13:15 xnskill*



maart@cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath) (02/01/89)

Pabbisetty.henr@xerox.com (Nagesh Pabbisetty) writes:
\# c-shell script file to kill xnsstart and xnshelper
\kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnsstart | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`
\kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnshelper | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`

A setuid script must start with the `#!' magic number, as in

	#! /bin/csh -bf

There can be 1 argument (in this case `-bf'). However, setuid scripts that
don't invoke `/bin/secure' or `/bin/setuid' as `interpreter' are a security
leak! This topic was discussed a couple of months ago in comp.unix.wizards.
Email for more detail.
Both of the programs mentioned above recently appeared in comp.sources.misc.
If you decide to use `/bin/setuid', be sure you have version 1.1 or higher.
Version 1.0 contained a race condition bug.
 "Does she play, er, tennis?          |Maarten Litmaath @ VU Amsterdam:
             Wink wink, notch notch!" |maart@cs.vu.nl, mcvax!botter!maart

krh@root.co.uk (Kevin Hickman) (02/16/89)

In article <18213@adm.BRL.MIL> you write:
>I am having a problem (explained below) with killing processes using a
>c-shell script.

>kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnsstart | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`
>kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnshelper | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`

You should not be using these particular options as how can you
be sure that the login name will start in column 1 and continue for
5 columns?

should read:

	kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnshelper | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -f3 -d" "`

As for why you are unable to kill your process, I don't know.

			Kevin Hickman.

Kevin Hickman  UniSoft Limited, Saunderson House, Hayne Street, London EC1A 9HH
krh@root.co.uk   ...!mcvax!ukc!root44!krh   +44-1-606-7799  FAX: +44-1-726-2750

dupuy@cs.columbia.edu (Alexander Dupuy) (02/25/89)

 In article <18213@adm.BRL.MIL> you write:
 >I am having a problem (explained below) with killing processes using a
 >c-shell script.

 >kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnsstart | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`
 >kill -9 `ps -ax | fgrep xnshelper | fgrep -v fgrep | cut -c1-5`

You can also eliminate the extra fgrep with the -c option to ps:

  kill -9 `ps -acx | fgrep xnsstart | cut ...`

inet: dupuy@cs.columbia.edu
uucp: ...!rutgers!cs.columbia.edu!dupuy