[comp.unix.wizards] installing c++ under Eunice

LTJONES%UALR.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (04/22/89)

Hello --

Has anyone ever tried building the AT&T c++ translator from source
under Eunice (~4.3bsd) on a vms vax?

i did the fix to the header files for bsd and compiled the
bootstrap cfront, munch and libC.a -- which went ok.
then built the working versions of libC.a and munch -- also ok.
but when building the working cfront things went ok for a while,
CC translated several files and cc compiled them but then on expr.c
this happened:

CC -O -DBSD -c expr.c          // make file invokes CC
CC expr.c:                     // CC replies, and then the message......
"expr.c", line 656: internal <<cfront 1.2.1 2/16/87>> error: bus
error (or somethine nasty like that)

well, i thought it was pretty nasty allright.  line 656 of expr.c looks
pretty normal to me (as does the surrounding code).
i get the impression that the bootstrap version of cfront has a problem
(didn't get properly built) probably some oversight on my part,
but where to start looking??

Thanks in advance for any clues you might send my way.

lon jones             bitnet: ltjones@UALR
University of Arkansas at Little Rock