[net.music] WNCN Benefit

9534bc (09/13/82)

Classical music listeners in the New York Metropolitan area
that depend on WNCN should be aware that the status of the
station as a classical outlet is not secure
The WNCN Listeners Guild (not connected with the station)
is a listeners organization using its influence or legal
remedies to keep the station classical.
If you are not a member, but would like to be, you
can mail to me.
To raise additional funds, the Listeners Guild is having
a benefit concert starring Joan Morris and William Bolcomb.
These artists have recorded five albums including songs
from the turn of the century, George & Ira Gerswin, ragtime,
etc. in art song style.
The Gala includes a champagne buffet and dorr prizes.
Tickets are $ 25.- w/ 3 raffle tickets, $ 15.- w/ 2 raffle
tickets, and $ 10.- w/ 1 raffle ticket.
Send a check and stamped self-addressed envelope for tickets to:
	WNCN Listeners' Guild Inc.
	881 Seventh Avenue
	New York, N. Y.  10019

					Herman Silbiger