banshee@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Wailin Through The Nets) (06/26/89)
I am working on a 750 with 4.3 BSD. While playng about one day, I found the mp multiple precision integer routines. I had long put off actually writing something like this for myself. My questions: This looks like a hack job. It works, but was it the complete after thought, or what? Has anyone found problems with mp? Has anyone written an arbitrary precision integer package for themselves, who would care to share code? Thanks in advance, please E-mail responses. I will post if interest is there. --- John M Vinopal banshee@ucscb.UCSC.EDU banshee@ucscf.UCSC.EDU ucbvax!ucscc!ucsc{b,f}!banshee