[net.news.newsite] BDM Corporation

shprentz@bdmrrr.UUCP (Joel Shprentz) (06/07/85)

Name of site.

What the site is all about.
	BDM Corporation
	Rapid Runway Repair Group

	BDM is a large professional services company. Our group
	is studying ways to repair runways rapidly.

Name of contact person at site.
	Joel Shprentz

Electronic mail address of contact person.

U.S. Mail address of contact person.
	Joel Shprentz
	BDM Corporation
	7915 Jones Branch Drive
	McLean, Virginia  22102

Phone number of contact person.
	(703) 827-7953 -- direct dial until next office move
	(703) 821-5000 -- company switchboard

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
	News is exchanged with rlgvax via uucp.

Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
	Mail is exchanged with rlgvax, seismo, and afesc via
	uucp. We call these sites on demand. We will pass
	outside mail along.

Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites ...
	We are willing to connect to new sites via uucp. Please
	call or send mail to make arrangements.

If you want to publish your uucp phone number, login, and password,
include that info.
	We have no public logins.