[net.news.newsite] Name change for "v1"

charliep@polaris.UUCP (Charlie Perkins) (06/07/85)

Please note that there are two changes affecting this site's
connections with the outside.

First, our main connection to the outside world is now the machine
called "polaris".  Polaris is directly connected to many other machines
internally -- among them:
	algol, albireo, castor, pollux, regulus, vega, sirius, antares, deneb,
	and rigel (used to be v1).  All these machine names have been
	previously registered with the uucp registry (I hope!).

Second, the machine formerly named "v1" will shortly only be known as
"rigel".  Please modify any return addresses to users at these sites

Charles Perkins
Site Administrator and everything else
IBM T.J. Watson research center