[net.news.newsite] New netnews site: hslrswi

robert@hslrswi.UUCP (Robert Ward) (06/19/85)

Site name:		hslrswi

Address of site:	Hasler AG Bern
			Abteilung 34
			Belpstrasse 23
			CH-3000  Bern  14

Contact person:		J. Robert Ward

Telephone:		(031) - 653826 (direct dial until next office move)
			(031) - 652111 (company switchboard)

Electronic mail address:

Configuration:		Vax-11/750 running 4.2bsd
			Sun workstation (still sitting in California
			because Sun lost the export license)

Systems with which Netnews is exchanged:
			cernvax (via uucp)

Systems with which mail is exchanged:
			cernvax (via uucp on demand basis)
			We anticipate to exchange mail via uucp with
			other Swiss sites in the near future.

Willingness to conect to other sites:
			We possess an auto-dialler and are willing
			to act as a backbone site for other Swiss
			uucp sites. No public logins.

Nature of company business:
			Telecommunications, electronics,
			precision engineering

Nature of departmental business:
			Unix support and consultancy for rest of company,
			real-time software development with Modula 2,
			relational database software development for Unix,
			specification language tools (EPOS),
			real-time development environments for Unix.