argv%turnpike@Sun.COM (Dan Heller) (10/03/89)
Whenever I release anything to the net, I always post a general announcement that I'm going to do so (not to the net, but to all my friends) and those who are interested generally vounteer to compile and run it once and see if it's ok.[%] Perhaps if the BSD folks did the same thing, we wouldn't have these problems. There are so many people out there hungry for these programs (sources in general for those eager to learn) that if, before providing sources that "may not compile", you post a simple announcement: We're about to release a program which may not compile -- In fact, we don't even know what it does. Would someone like to volunteer to test it and send us any comments or bugs? In return, we'll acknowledge your help and send you one (1) Californial lottery ticket. And then provide some ftp-able place and wait about a week and skim your mail looking for obvious and common problems. Fix it up and then post it. You're never going to be completely bug-free, but at least you'll be posting stuff that compiles and how much effort did it take? ----- [%] These are usually friends who use architectures and unixes that I don't have access to. portability you know... dan <island!> ----- My postings reflect my opinion only -- not the opinion of any company.