(Gary Faulkner) (10/25/89)
We just encountered a rather interesting problem with FTP to Suns from different remote locations: First of all, the home directories of the users in question are subdirectories of the following directory: drwxr-x--- 16 root xxxxx 512 Jul 28 06:44 /home/net/oper/yyyyy (xxxxx represents the group which all users belong to and yyyyy has been substituted for the actual directory name to "protect the innocent." Anyway, the user attempts to logon from a remote machine which is both unregistered (i.e. not in any hosts table), and not in the domain of the suns we are attempting to ftp to. Anyway, when the user attempts to ftp to the Suns with the protections set as above (750), the sun complains that it cannot change directory to the users home directory and prevents logon. Now, the user can ftp to a cray running unicos 5.0 (the suns run 4.0 sunos) without any problems (this host is registered AND in the same domain as the suns) and then to the suns without problems. To put another wrench in the works, if we change the protections to 755, the user can ftp to the suns with no problems. The other important information here is that the file system which contains these home directories are NFS partitions mounted from a secure host (no normal user is allowed to signon), and root maps to nobody. Is there any other way to allow these ftp's without the 755 permissions? What is going on here? Why the difference between hosts? As always, any help is appreciated. I hope I have filled in enough detail here. Gary Faulkner National Center for Supercomputing Applications - University of Illinois Internet: Disclaimer: I've only stated my opinion, not anyone elses.