rick@comspec.UUCP (Rick McCalla) (02/26/90)
I am currently running a Xenix 386 box that does not have a printer attached to it. When I need to print something I cat it into a script which will in turn save it as a file and then email it to another Xenix 386 box next to it which will print it out on the printer attached to it. I am trying to get the normal print spooler 'lp' to work in a similiar way and cat any input out to this script. Does anyone have an ideas of how to go about this? -- Comspec Communications Inc. | Rick McCalla ----- rick@comspec Toronto, Ontario Canada |---------------------------------- Voice : (416) 785 - 3553 | Path: uunet!mnetor!becker! Fax : (416) 785 - 3668 | comspec!rick