[comp.unix.wizards] mac postscript in ditroff input?

era@ncar.ucar.edu (Ed Arnold) (03/15/90)

I'm interested in corresponding with anyone who has succeeded in merging
postscript generated by Mac applications such as MacDraw or Illustrator,
into ditroff input, to get merged ditroff text & Apple postscript graphics
on the same page.

I've tried this using:

	TranScript 2.1 (psdit)
	LaserPrep 5.2
	SunOS 4.0.3
	Apple LaserWriter Plus (sort of works)
	Imagen 2308 with ultrascript and Apple dictionary dictv52.ps
		(doesn't work; quits with error message)

I followed the suggestions given on the psdit man page to merge in the
postscript, and various permutations thereof, but ditroff text is either
lost, or appears on the next page, when printing to the LaserWriter.

Adobe doesn't seem to know whether this is possible; but they won't talk
with me anyway, since I'm not an Adobe developer.  I'm not particularly
eager to learn the entire Apple dictionary.	:-(
Ed Arnold * NCAR * POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 * 303-497-1253(w)
era@ncar.ucar.edu [] * era@ncario.bitnet * era@ncar.uucp
"See, the human mind is kind of like ... a pinata.  When it breaks open,
there's a lot of surprises inside."	--Jane Wagner/Lily Tomlin

jaap+@andrew.cmu.edu (Jaap Akkerhuis) (03/16/90)

Excerpts from netnews.comp.lang.postscript: 14-Mar-90 mac postscript in
ditroff i.. Ed Arnold@ncar.ucar.edu (1146)

> I'm interested in corresponding with anyone who has succeeded in merging
> postscript generated by Mac applications such as MacDraw or Illustrator,
> into ditroff input, to get merged ditroff text & Apple postscript graphics
> on the same page.

The easiest way of doing it is using psfig, a public domian preprocessor
for postscript available by ftp. It has a lot of goodies you actually
want. I'm afraid that I forgot where to get it.
