theobald@cbnewsk.ATT.COM (glenn.theobald) (03/24/90)
I am looking for a System V emulation of the BSD ftruncate(). I saw one somewhere on the net over a year ago (possibly 1988) and did not save a copy. Would the original poster, or some other kind soul who kept a copy of the article forward it to me. The enulation used the reserved (and undocumented) F_FREESP fnctl call. Thanks, Glenn Theobald (Brando W. Brown) (03/24/90)
I was having some trouble compiling GNUtar and one of the functions was ftruncate(). If you need a copy of that function check wuarchive... Brando +============================================================================+ | Brandon Brown Internet: | | Addamax Corporation UUCP: uunet!uiucuxc!addamax!brown | | 2009 Fox Drive GEnie: xmg23356 macbrando | | Champaign, IL 61820 CompuServe: 73040,447 | +============================================================================+