[net.news.newsite] New machine at Cornell: bullwinkle

parmelee@bullwinkle.cs.cornell.edu (Larry Parmelee) (12/17/85)

We're in the process of bringing "bullwinkle" online here at Cornell.
Currently, it has no phone lines, but if you might be interested in
exchanging uucp mail via ARPA net TCP, drop me a line. The new pathalias
information follows.	
		-Larry Parmelee

#N	bullwinkle
#S	GOULD 9080; UTX/32
#O	Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
#C	J.Q. Johnson
#E	bullwinkle!adm,bullwinkle!jqj
#T	+1 607 256 6354, +1 607 256 4052
#P	405 Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853
#L	076 30 W / 42 27 N city
#R	This machine is on the ARPANET:  bullwinkle.cs.cornell.edu
#U	rochester,cornell
#W	bullwinkle!parmelee (Larry Parmelee); Tue Dec 17 08:02:44 EST 1985
bullwinkle	cornell(LOCAL), rochester(DIRECT)