[comp.unix.wizards] boot procedure in SunOS 4.0.3

ESANCHEZ@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx ( esanchez) (06/09/90)

	Hi Unix Wizards, I have a little question for you.
In a sun workstation during the boot procedure I am surprised
because the behaviour of the rc.local script. The problem is
that I have attempted to add some commands at the bottom of
the rc.local script to mount some File Systems from a server
for its client machines. That is something like this:
#begin rc.local
(stuff ignored)
if [ -f /usr/etc/rpc.pwdauthd -a -f /etc/security/passwd.adjunct ]; then
	rpc.pwdauthd &		(echo -n ' pwdauthd')	>/dev/console
				(echo '.')		>/dev/console
# Build the link-editor fast directory cache.
if [ -f /usr/etc/ldconfig ]; then
	ldconfig; (echo "link-editor directory cache")	>/dev/console
# begin added lines
mount sun_8:/home/users /home/users
mount sun_8:/home/sun4files /home/sun4files
#end of rc.local
	The surprise is that nothing happens!! The mount directories are
not mounted!!
	Of course, I've tried to include these directories in /etc/fstab
to mount them, but for some reason the order in which they are placed
affect the results, it is to say, if the /etc/fstab dir is:
### begin fstab file
sun_8:/export/root/sun_2 / nfs rw 0 0
sun_8:/export/exec/sun3 /usr nfs ro 0 0
sun_8:/export/exec/kvm/sun3 /usr/kvm nfs ro 0 0
sun_8:/export/share /usr/share nfs ro 0 0
sun_8:/home/sun_8 /home/sun_8 nfs rw 0 0
#sun_8:/export/crash /var/crash nfs rw 0 0
#### end of fstab file ######

	and I add the extra directories to be mounted at the begining or at
the end, they are not mounted, I guess because the order in which are mounted,
for example, if /home/sun3files is tried to be mounted first, there is not
the mount point the do it.
	What do you can say about this?

	I have solved the problem adding the extra mount commnads in the
/etc/rc.boot file, but I am afraid... Is there any problem?
Enrique Sanchez Lara
University of the Americas
BITNET: esanchez@udlapvms

IOF%ICSVMHPO.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu ( Antonio IOfrida) (06/13/90)

Yes You have a problem|||||

It is incorrect to add the mount command in the rc.local file, because rc.local
 is the file for the startup of daemons.
 You must add the partitions that you want mount in the file: fstab and mtab in
 the directory /etc.
 IN this way at the startup the system will mount your partitions.
 Otherwise you must mount the specified partitions in the mtab file with the
'mount -a' command.

enyoj yourself with your file system.
bye Iof.