[comp.unix.wizards] using PC as I/O box for workstation

203013%DHHDKRZ5.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Markus F. Boie) (07/09/90)

I would like to connect an IBM-AT (286 or 386 type) MS/DOS box via ethernet to
a Unix workstation and use its resources (as serial and parallel ports, disks,
boards and color display maybe) from the workstation.

Does any software exist that does soemthing like this? I think it would have to
be kind of a deamon handling all (NFS, RQS, TELNET and reverse TELNET, whatever)
requests, as DOS doesn't support multitasking. Running Unix on the PC is not the
solution i'm looking for as it would require a new disk drive and any Unix
license which is both too expensive.

I would at least like to get my hands on the serial and paralle ports of the
DOS box. So, if you know software doing just this please tell me!

Please send answers to any of my email addresses as i'm not subscribed to this

thanx in advance,


Markus F. Boie

Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)
Bundesstrasse 55
D-2000/13 Hamburg
West-Germany                                         Private:
Phone: (+49) 40 / 41173.288                          Heidberg 24
FAX: (+49) 40 / 41173.270                            D-2000/60 Hamburg
Bitnet: MBoie@dhhdkrz5.bitnet                        West-Germany
Internet: k203013@klima.dkrz-hamburg.de              Phone: (+49) 40 / 270 51 70