[net.news.newsite] UCLA adds another USENET node

root@uclachem.UUCP (System Management Account) (02/08/86)


Name of site.                               

What the site is all about.
	We are the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the
	University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).  We run several
	VAXen, under 4.2 (both BSD and VMS) for the purposes of research,
	instruction, and administration.

Name of contact person at site.
	Brad Lowman

Electronic mail address of contact person.

Mail address of contact person.
	Brad Lowman
	Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
	405 Hilgard Avenue
	Los Angeles, California 90024, USA

Phone number of contact person.
	+1 213 825 1824

Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
	cepu, ucla-cs

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.

Willingness to connect to news sites.
	At this time we do not have the resources, but this may
	change in the future.
#N	uclachem
#S	DEC VAX-11/750 running 4.2BSD
#O	UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
#C	Brad Lowman
#E	{ucbvax!ucla-cs, ihnp4!bradley!cepu}!uclachem!bhl
#T	+1 213 825 1824
#P	405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024
#L	34 03 09 N / 118 27 04 W
#U	cepu
#W	uclachem!bhl; Fri Feb  7 15:34:55 PST 1986