[comp.unix.wizards] How to get past end of cpio archive on tape

news@bjm.wimsey.bc.ca (News Login) (12/12/90)

	I have this backup which I accidentally wrote a cpio archive over.  However
the cpio archive is only 20 megabytes and therefore 1/3 of the tape.  What I
really want to do is get past the cpio archive and just retreive the rest of
the tape into a file and I will fix the remaining tar file by hand.  My 
question is (drum roll please)
how do get past the EOF marker at the end of the cpio?  I've tried dd, cat, 
evmt (a utility which comes with ESIX [which I'm now running] which is similar
to sco xenix's 'tape' utility) which allows me to get to the next eof but 
not past
it.  I don't really care how much past the eof I go (.5 to even 1 meg if I have
to).  I think what I mostly overwrote was the /bin /usr/bin stuff. 

	Any ideas would be much appreciated.