[net.news.newsite] Hello from SAS Institute Inc.

jcz@sas.UUCP (Carl Zeigler) (04/22/86)

Name of site.

What the site is all about.
	SAS Institute Inc., develops and publishes an
	integrated data management package:
	The SAS (r) System.	

Name of contact person at site.
	John Carl Zeigler

Electronic mail address of contact person.
U.S. Mail address of contact person.
	SAS Institute Inc.
	PoBox 8000
	Cary NC, 27511

Phone number of contact person.
	(919)  467 - 8000

Systems with whom news articles are exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are).
	fcstools	news,mail

Systems with whom mail is exchanged.
(what kind of link, who the neighbor(s) are, what frequency
of connection, whether or not you'll pass outside mail along).
	rti-sel		mail
	ncsu		mail (when non-noisy lines)

Willingness (or lack thereof) to connect to new sites that
want to join usenet.  If you run uucp, tell if new sites can
call you, if you will poll them, what your policy is.
	We would (probably) be willing to poll other sites in the
	Research Triangle Area.  Especially Cary.   There seems
	to be a daemon in the So. Bell phone switches  that
	randomly eats data between Cary and the rest of the world.