[comp.unix.wizards] Basic RPC information: where is it available???

gt8428a@prism.gatech.edu (VETTER) (03/22/91)

Submitted-by: gt8428a@prism.gatech.edu (VETTER)

I would like information on the different RPC methods available, such
as HP and Sun.

Is there any single document describing and outlining the different
methods or will I have to obtain information from the different vendors?

Any suggestions?

Jeffrey S. Vetter               jsv@cc.gatech.edu                 (404)875-8859
      MS student, College of Computing, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, 30332 
                28428 Georgia Tech Station, Atlanta, GA, 30332

[ If anyone has any information about what POSIX, X/Open, etc., are doing
  in the way of RPC standardization, please send me a posting.  That's the
  main reason I accepted this one. -- mod ]

Volume-Number: Volume 23, Number 18