[comp.unix.wizards] Hacking - STOP!!

dvk@sei.cmu.edu (Daniel Klein) (03/28/91)

In article <23246@as0c.sei.cmu.edu>, dvk@sei.cmu.edu (Daniel Klein) writes:
|> If you'd like to read the paper ...
|> 						... I can send you troff
|> source or Postscript).

Stupid me.  I've processed 27 requests in the pas 1.5 hours.  Here is the
paper - I will not respond to any more requests for the paper.

\" Produce using: refer -k -l -P -e "file" | tbl | troff -ms
.ds [. \ [
.ds .] ]
``Foiling the Cracker'':
A Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security\u\s-2\(dg\s+2\d
.FS \(dg
This work was sponsored in part by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Daniel V. Klein
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA  15217
+1 412 268 7791
With the rapid burgeoning of national and international networks, the
question of system security has become one of growing importance.  High speed
inter-machine communication and even higher speed computational processors
have made the threats of system ``crackers,'' data theft, data corruption
very real.  This paper outlines some of the problems of
current password security by demonstrating the ease by which individual
accounts may be broken.  Various techniques used by crackers are outlined,
and finally one solution to this point of system vulnerability, a proactive
password checker, is proposed.
.NH 1
The security of accounts and passwords has always been a concern for the
developers and users of Unix.
When Unix was younger, the password encryption algorithm was a simulation of
the M-209 cipher machine used by the U.S. Army during World War II.
%A Robert T. Morris
%A Ken Thompson
%T Password Security: A Case History
%J Communications of the ACM
%V 22
%N 11
%P 594-597
%D November 1979
%L Morris1979
This was
a fair encryption mechanism in that it was difficult to invert under the
proper circumstances, but suffered in that it was too fast an algorithm.  On a
PDP-11/70, each encryption took approximately 1.25ms, so that it was possible
to check roughly 800 passwords/second.  Armed with a dictionary of 250,000
words, a cracker could compare their encryptions with those all stored in the
password file in a little more than five minutes.  Clearly, this was a
security hole worth filling.
In later (post-1976) versions of Unix, the DES algorithm
%T Proposed Federal Information Processing Data Encryption Standard
%J Federal Register (40FR12134)
%D March 17, 1975
%L DES1975
was used to encrypt
passwords.  The user's password is used as the DES key, and the algorithm is
used to encrypt a constant.  The algorithm is iterated 25 times, with the
result being an 11 character string plus a 2-character ``salt.''  This method
is  similarly difficult to decrypt (further complicated through the
introduction of one of 4096 possible salt values) and had the added advantage
of being slow.  On a \(*mVAX-II (a machine substantially faster than a
PDP-11/70), a single encryption takes on the order of 280ms, so that a
determined cracker can only check approximately 3.6 encryptions a second.
Checking this same dictionary of 250,000 words would now take over 19
\fIhours\fR of CPU time.  Although this is still not very much time to break
a single account, there is no guarantee that this account will use one of
these words as a password.  Checking the passwords on a system with 50
accounts would take on average 40 CPU \fIdays\fR (since the random selection
of salt values practically guarantees that each user's password will be
encrypted with a different salt), with no guarantee of success.  If this new,
slow algorithm was combined with the user education needed to prevent the
selection of obvious passwords, the problem seemed solved.
Regrettably, two recent developments and the recurrence of an old one have
brought the problem of password security back to the fore.
.IP 1)
CPU speeds have gotten increasingly faster since 1976, so much so that
processors that are 25-40 times faster than the PDP-11/70 (e.g., the
DECstation 3100 used in this research) are readily
available as desktop workstations.  With inter-networking, many sites have
hundreds of the individual workstations connected together, and enterprising
crackers are discovering that the ``divide and conquer'' algorithm can
be extended to multiple processors, especially at night when those processors
are not otherwise being used.  Literally thousands of times the computational
power of 10 years ago can be used to break passwords.
.IP 2)
New implementations of the DES encryption algorithm have been developed, so
that the time it takes to encrypt a password and compare the encryption
against the value stored in the password file has dropped below the 1ms mark.
%A Matt Bishop
%T An Application of a Fast Data Encryption Standard Implementation
%J Computing Systems
%V 1
%N 3
%P 221-254
%D Summer 1988
%L Bishop1988
%A David C. Feldmeier
%A Philip R. Karn
%T UNIX Password Security \- Ten Years Later
%J CRYPTO Proceedings
%D Summer 1989
%L Feldmeier1989
On a single workstation, the dictionary of 250,000 words can once
again be cracked in under five minutes.  By dividing the work across multiple
workstations, the time required to encrypt these words against all 4096 salt
values could be no more than an hour or so.  With a recently described
hardware implementation of the DES algorithm, the time for each encryption
can be reduced to approximately 6 \(*ms.
%A Philip Leong
%A Chris Tham
%T UNIX Password Encryption Considered Insecure
%J USENIX Winter Conference Proceedings
%D January 1991
%L Leong1991
This means that this same dictionary can be be cracked in only 1.5 seconds.
.IP 3)
Users are rarely, if ever, educated as to what are wise choices for
passwords.  If a password is in a dictionary, it is extremely vulnerable to
being cracked, and users are simply not coached as to ``safe'' choices for
passwords.  Of those users who are so educated, many think that simply
because their password is not in \fI/usr/dict/words\fR, it is safe from
detection.  Many users also say that because they do not have any private
files on-line, they are not concerned with the security of their account,
little realizing that by providing an entry point to the system they allow
damage to be wrought on their entire system by a malicious cracker.
Because the entirety of the password file is readable by all users, the
encrypted passwords are vulnerable to cracking, both on-site and off-site.
Many sites have responded to this threat with a reactive solution \- they
scan their own password files and advise those users whose passwords they are
able to crack.  The problem with this solution is that while the local site
is testing its security, the password file is still vulnerable from the
outside.  The other problems, of course, are that the testing is very time
consuming and only reports on those passwords it is able to crack.  It does
nothing to address user passwords which fall outside of the specific test
cases (e.g., it is possible for a user to use as a password the letters
``qwerty'' \- if this combination is not in the in-house test dictionary, it
will not be detected, but there is nothing to stop an outside cracker from
having a more sophisticated dictionary!).
Clearly, one solution to this is to either make \fI/etc/passwd\fR unreadable,
or to make the encrypted password portion of the file unreadable.  Splitting
the file into two pieces \- a readable \fI/etc/passwd\fR with all but the
encrypted password present, and a ``shadow password'' file that is only
readable by \fBroot\fR is the solution proposed by Sun Microsystems (and
others) that appears to be gaining popularity.  It seems, however, that this
solution will not reach the majority of non-Sun systems for quite a while,
nor even, in fact, many Sun systems, due to many sites'
reluctance to install new releases of software.\s-3\u\(dg\d\s+3
.FS \(dg
The problem of lack of password security is not just endemic to Unix.  A
recent Vax/VMS worm had great success by simply trying the username as the
password.  Even though the VMS user authorization file is inaccessible to
ordinary users, the cracker simply tried a number of ``obvious'' password
choices \- and easily gained access.
What I propose, therefore, is a publicly available \fIproactive\fR password
checker, which will enable users to change their passwords, and to
check \fIa priori\fR whether the new password is ``safe.''  The criteria for
safety should be tunable on a per-site basis, depending on the degree of
security desired.  For example, it should be possible to specify a minimum
length password, a restriction that only lower case letters are not allowed,
that a password that looks like a license plate be illegal, and so on.
Because this proactive checker will deal with the pre-encrypted passwords, it
will be able to perform more sophisticated pattern matching on the password,
and will be able to test the safety without having to go through the effort of
cracking the encrypted version.  Because the checking will be done
automatically, the process of education can be transferred to the machine,
which will instruct the user \fIwhy\fR a particular choice of password is bad.
.NH 1
Password Vulnerability
It has long been known that all a cracker need do to acquire access to a
Unix machine is to follow two simple steps, namely:
.IP 1)
Acquire a copy of that site's \fI/etc/passwd\fR file, either through an
unprotected \fIuucp\fR link, well known holes in \fIsendmail\fR, or via
\fIftp\fR or \fItftp\fR.
.IP 2)
Apply the standard (or a sped-up) version of the password encryption
algorithm to a collection of words, typically \fI/usr/dict/words\fR plus some
permutations on account and user names, and compare the encrypted results to
those found in the purloined \fI/etc/passwd\fR file.
If a match is found (and often at least one will be found), the
cracker has access to the targeted machine.  Certainly, this mode of attack
has been known for some time,
%A Eugene H. Spafford
%T The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis
%R Purdue Technical Report CSD-TR-823
%I Purdue University
%D November 29, 1988
%L Spafford1988
and the defenses against this attack have also
long been known.  What is lacking from the literature is an accounting of
just how vulnerable sites are to this mode of attack.  In short, many people know that there is a problem, but few people believe it applies to them.
``There is a fine line between helping
administrators protect their systems and providing a cookbook for bad guys.''
%A F. Grampp
%A R. Morris
%T Unix Operating System Security
%J AT&T Bell Labs Technical Journal
%V 63
%N 8
%P 1649-1672
%D October 1984
%L Grampp1984
The problem here, therefore, is how to divulge useful information on the
vulnerability of systems, without providing too much information, since
almost certainly this information could be used by a cracker to break into
some as-yet unviolated system.
Most of the work that I did was of a
general nature \- I did not focus on a particular user or a
particular system, and I did not use any personal information that might be
at the disposal of a dedicated ``bad guy.''  Thus any results which I have
been able to garner indicate only general trends in password usage, and
cannot be used to great advantage when breaking into a particular system.  This
generality notwithstanding, I am sure that any self-respecting cracker would
already have these techniques at their disposal, and so I am not bringing to
light any great secret.  Rather, I hope to provide a basis for protection for
systems that can guard against future attempts at system invasion.
.NH 2
The Survey and Initial Results
In October and again in December of 1989, I asked a number of friends and
acquaintances around the United States and Great Britain to participate
in a survey.  Essentially what I asked them to do was to mail me a copy of
their \fI/etc/passwd\fR file, and I would try to crack their passwords (and
as a side benefit, I would send them a report of the vulnerability of their
system, although at no time would I reveal individual passwords nor even of
their sites participation in this study).  Not surprisingly, due to the
sensitive nature of this type of disclosure, I only received a small fraction
of the replies I hoped to get, but was nonetheless able to acquire a database
of nearly 15,000 account entries.  This, I hoped, would provide a
representative cross section of the passwords used by users in the community.
Each of the account entries was tested by a number of intrusion strategies,
which will be covered in greater detail in the following section.  The
possible passwords that were tried were based on the user's name or account
number, taken from numerous dictionaries (including some containing
foreign words, phrases, patterns of keys on the keyboard, and enumerations),
and from permutations and combinations of words in those dictionaries.
All in all, after nearly 12 CPU months of rather exhaustive testing,
approximately 25% of the passwords had been guessed.  So that you do not
develop a false sense of security too early, I add that 21% (nearly 3,000
passwords) were guessed in the first week, and that in the first 15
minutes of testing, 368 passwords (or 2.7%) had been cracked using what
experience has shown
would be the most fruitful line of attack (i.e., using the user or
account names as passwords).  These statistics are
frightening, and well they should be.  On an average system with 50
accounts in the \fI/etc/passwd\fR file, one could expect the first account to
be cracked in under 2 minutes, with 5\-15 accounts being cracked by the end of
the first day.  Even though the \fBroot\fR account may not be cracked, all it
takes is one account being compromised for a cracker to establish a toehold
in a system.  Once that is done, any of a number of other well-known security
loopholes (many of which have been published on the network) can be used to
access or destroy any information on the machine.
It should be noted that the results of this testing do not give us any
indication as to what the \fIuncracked\fR passwords are.  Rather, it only
tells us what was essentially already known \- that users are likely to use
words that are familiar to them as their passwords.
%A Bruce L. Riddle
%A Murray S. Miron
%A Judith A. Semo
%T Passwords in Use in a University Timesharing Environment
%J Computers & Security
%V 8
%N 7
%P 569-579
%D November 1989
%L Riddle1989
What new information it did provide, however, was the \fIdegree\fR of
vulnerability of the systems in question, as well as providing a basis for
developing a proactive password changer \- a system which pre-checks a
password before it is entered into the system, to determine whether that
password will be vulnerable to this type of attack.  Passwords which can be
derived from a dictionary are clearly a bad idea,
%A Ana Marie De Alvare
%A E. Eugene Schultz, Jr.
%T A Framework for Password Selection
%J USENIX UNIX Security Workshop Proceedings
%D August 1988
%L Alvare1988
and users should be
prevented from using them.  Of course, as part of this censoring process,
users should also be told \fIwhy\fR their proposed password is not good, and
what a good class of password would be.
As to those passwords which remain unbroken, I can only conclude that these
are much more secure and ``safe'' than those to be found in my dictionaries.
One such class of passwords is word pairs, where a password consists of two
short words, separated by a punctuation character.  Even if only words of
3 to 5 lower case characters are considered, \fI/usr/dict/words\fR provides
3000 words for pairing.  When a single intermediary punctuation character is
introduced, the sample size of 90,000,000 possible passwords is rather
daunting.  On a DECstation 3100, testing each of these passwords against that
of a single user would require over 25 CPU \fIhours\fR \- and even then, no
guarantee exists that this is the type of password the user chose.
Introducing one or two upper case characters into the password raises the
search set size to such magnitude as to make cracking untenable.
Another ``safe'' password is one constructed from the initial letters of an
easily remembered, but not too common phrase.  For example, the phrase ``Unix
is a trademark of Bell Laboratories'' could give rise to the password
``UiatoBL.''  This essentially creates a password which is a random string of
upper and lower case letters.  Exhaustively searching this list at 1000 tests
per second with only 6 character passwords would take nearly 230 CPU
days.  Increasing the phrase size to 7 character passwords makes the
testing time over 32 CPU \fIyears\fR \- a Herculean task that even the most
dedicated cracker with huge computational resources would shy away from.
Thus, although I don't know what passwords were chosen by those users I was
unable to crack, I can say with some surety that it is doubtful that anyone
else could crack them in a reasonable amount of time, either.
.NH 2
Method of Attack
A number of techniques were used on the accounts in order to determine if the
passwords used for them were able to be compromised.  To speed up testing,
all passwords with the same salt value were grouped together.  This way, one
encryption per password per salt value could be performed, with multiple
string comparisons to test for matches.  Rather than considering 15,000
accounts, the problem was reduced to 4,000 salt values.  The password tests
were as follows:
.IP 1)
Try using the user's name, initials, account name, and other relevant
personal information as a possible password.  All in all, up to 130 different
passwords were tried based on this information.  For an account name
\fBklone\fR with a user named ``Daniel V. Klein,'' some of the passwords that
would be tried were: klone, klone0, klone1, klone123, dvk, dvkdvk, dklein,
DKlein, leinad, nielk, dvklein, danielk, DvkkvD, DANIEL-KLEIN, (klone),
KleinD, etc.
.IP 2)
Try using words from various dictionaries.  These included lists of men's and
women's names (some 16,000 in all); places (including permutations so that
``spain,'' ``spanish,'' and ``spaniard'' would all be considered); names of
famous people; cartoons and cartoon characters; titles, characters, and
locations from films and science fiction stories; mythical creatures
(garnered from Bulfinch's mythology and dictionaries of mythical beasts);
sports (including team names, nicknames, and specialized terms); numbers
(both as numerals \- ``2001,'' and written out \- ``twelve''); strings of
letters and numbers ( ``a,'' ``aa,'' ``aaa,'' ``aaaa,'' etc.); Chinese
syllables (from the Pinyin Romanization of Chinese, a international standard
system of writing Chinese on an English keyboard); the King James Bible;
biological terms; common and vulgar phrases (such as ``fuckyou,'' ``ibmsux,''
and ``deadhead''); keyboard patterns (such as ``qwerty,'' ``asdf,'' and
``zxcvbn''); abbreviations (such as ``roygbiv'' \- the colors in the rainbow,
and ``ooottafagvah'' \- a mnemonic for remembering the 12 cranial nerves);
machine names (acquired from \fI/etc/hosts\fR); characters, plays, and
locations from Shakespeare; common Yiddish words;  the names of asteroids;
and a collection of words
from various technical papers I had previously published.
All told, more than 60,000 separate words were considered per user (with any
inter- and intra-dictionary duplicates being discarded).
.IP 3)
Try various permutations on the words from step 2.  This included making the
first letter upper case or a control character, making the entire word
upper case, reversing the word (with and without the aforementioned
capitalization), changing the letter `o' to the digit `0' (so that the word
``scholar'' would also be checked as ``sch0lar''), changing the letter `l' to
the digit `1' (so that ``scholar'' would also be checked as ``scho1ar,''
and also as ``sch01ar''), and performing similar manipulations to change the
letter `z' into the digit `2', and the letter `s' into the digit `5'. 
Another test was to make the word into a plural (irrespective of whether the
word was actually a noun), with enough intelligence built in so that
``dress'' became ``dresses,'' ``house'' became ``houses,'' and ``daisy''
became ``daisies.''  We did not consider pluralization rules exhaustively,
though, so that ``datum'' forgivably became ``datums'' (not ``data''), while
``sphynx'' became ``sphynxs'' (and not ``sphynges'').  Similarly, the suffixes
``-ed,'' ``-er,'' and ``-ing'' were added to transform words like ``phase''
into ``phased,'' ``phaser,'' and ``phasing.''  These 14 to 17 additional
tests per word added another 1,000,000 words to the list of possible
passwords that were tested for each user.
.IP 4)
Try various capitalization permutations on the words from step 2 that were not
considered in step 3.  This included all single letter capitalization
permutations (so that ``michael'' would also be checked as ``mIchael,''
``miChael,'' ``micHael,'' ``michAel,'' etc.), double letter capitalization
permutations (``MIchael,'' ``MiChael,'' ``MicHael,'' ... , ``mIChael,''
``mIcHael,'' etc.), triple letter permutations, and so on.  The single letter
permutations added roughly another 400,000 words to be checked per user,
while the double letter permutations added another 1,500,000 words.  Three
letter permutations would have added at least another 3,000,000 words \fIper
user\fR had there been enough time to complete the tests.  Tests of 4, 5, and
6 letter permutations were deemed to be impracticable without much more
computational horsepower to carry them out.
.IP 5)
Try foreign language words on foreign users.  The specific test that was
performed was to try Chinese language passwords on users with Chinese names.
The Pinyin Romanization of Chinese syllables was used, combining syllables
together into one, two, and three syllable words.  Because no tests were
done to determine whether the words actually made sense, an exhaustive search
was initiated.  Since there are 398 Chinese syllables in the Pinyin system,
there are 158,404 two syllable words, and slightly more than 16,000,000 three
syllable words.\s-3\u\(dg\d\s+3
.FS \(dg
The astute reader will notice that 398\s-2\u3\d\s+2 is in fact 63,044,972.
Since Unix passwords are truncated after 8 characters, however, the number
of unique polysyllabic Chinese passwords is only around 16,000,000.
Even this reduced set was too large to complete under the imposed time
A similar mode of attack could as easily be used with English, using rules
for building pronounceable nonsense words.
.IP 6)
Try word pairs.  The magnitude of an exhaustive test of this nature is
staggering.  To simplify this test, only words of 3 or 4 characters in length
from \fI/usr/dict/words\fP were used.  Even so, the number of word pairs is
\fBO\fR(10\s-3\u7\d\s+3) (multiplied by 4096 possible salt values), and as of
this writing, the test is only 10% complete.
For this study, I had access to four DECstation 3100's, each of which was
capable of checking approximately 750 passwords per second.  Even with this
total peak processing horsepower of 3,000 tests per second (some machines were
only intermittently available), testing the \fBO\fR(10\s-3\u10\d\s+3)
password/salt pairs for the first four tests
required on the order of 12 CPU \fImonths\fR of computations.  The remaining
two tests are still ongoing after an additional 18 CPU months of computation.
Although for research purposes this is well within acceptable ranges, it is a
bit out of line for any but the most dedicated and resource-rich cracker.
.NH 2
Summary of Results
The problem with using passwords that are derived directly from obvious words
is that when a user thinks ``Hah, no one will guess this permutation,'' they
are almost invariably wrong.  Who would ever suspect that I would find their
passwords when they chose ``fylgjas'' (guardian creatures from Norse
mythology), or the
Chinese word for ``hen-pecked husband''?  No matter what words or permutations
thereon are chosen for a password, if they exist in some dictionary, they are
susceptible to directed cracking.  The following table give an overview of
the types of passwords which were found through this research.
A note on the table is in order.  The number of
matches given from a particular dictionary is the total number of matches,
irrespective of the permutations that a user may have applied to it.  Thus, if
the word ``wombat'' were a particularly popular password from the biology
dictionary, the following table will not indicate whether it was entered as
``wombat,'' ``Wombat,'' ``TABMOW,'' ``w0mbat,'' or any of the other 71 possible
differences that this research checked.  In this way,
detailed information can be divulged without providing much knowledge to
potential ``bad guys.''
Additionally, in order to reduce the total search time that was needed for
this research, the checking program eliminated both inter- and
intra-dictionary duplicate words.  The dictionaries are listed in the order
tested, and the total size of the dictionary is given in addition to
the number of words that were eliminated due to duplication.  For
example, the word ``georgia'' is both a female name and a place, and is only
considered once.  A password which is identified as being found in the common
names dictionary might very well appear in other dictionaries.  Additionally,
although ``duplicate,'' ``duplicated,'' ``duplicating'' and ``duplicative'' are
all distinct words, only the first eight characters of a password are used in
Unix, so all but the first word are discarded as redundant.
box, tab(:), center;
cp+2fB s   s   s   s   s   s
cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB
cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB cfB
l   n   n   n   n   n   n  .
Passwords cracked from a sample set of 13,797 accounts
Type of:Size of:Duplicates:Search:# of:Pct.:Cost/Benefit
Password:Dictionary:Eliminated:Size:Matches:of Total:Ratio\s-2\u*\d\s+2
User/account name:130\s-3\u\(dg\d\s+3:\-:130:368:2.7%:2.830
Character sequences:866:0:866:22:0.2%:0.025
Place names:665:37:628:82:0.6%:0.131
Common names:2268:29:2239:548:4.0%:0.245
Female names:4955:675:4280:161:1.2%:0.038
Male names:3901:1035:2866:140:1.0%:0.049
Uncommon names:5559:604:4955:130:0.9%:0.026
Myths & legends:1357:111:1246:66:0.5%:0.053
Sports terms:247:9:238:32:0.2%:0.134
Science fiction:772:81:691:59:0.4%:0.085
Movies and actors:118:19:99:12:0.1%:0.121
Famous people:509:219:290:55:0.4%:0.190
Phrases and patterns:998:65:933:253:1.8%:0.271
Machine names:12983:3965:9018:132:1.0%:0.015
King James bible:13062:5537:7525:83:0.6%:0.011
Miscellaneous words:8146:4934:3212:54:0.4%:0.017
Yiddish words:69:13:56:0:0.0%:0.000
.FS *
In all cases, the cost/benefit ratio is the number of matches divided by the
search size.  The more words that needed to be tested for a match, the lower
the cost/benefit ratio.
.FS \(dg
The dictionary used for user/account name checks naturally changed
for each user.  Up to 130 different permutations were tried for each.
.FS \(dd
While monosyllablic Chinese passwords were tried for all users (with 12
matches), polysyllabic Chinese passwords were tried only for users with
Chinese names.  The percentage of matches for this subset of users is 8% \-
a greater hit ratio than any other method.  Because the dictionary size is
over 16\(mu10\s-2\u6\d\s+2, though, the cost/benefit ratio is infinitesimal.
The results are quite disheartening.  The total size of the dictionary was
only 62,727 words (not counting various permutations).  This is much smaller
than the 250,000 word dictionary postulated at the beginning of this paper,
yet armed even with this small dictionary, nearly 25% of the passwords were
tab(:), center, box;
cp+2fB  s   s
cfB     cfB cfB
l       n   n.
Length of Cracked Passwords
1 character:4:0.1%
2 characters:5:0.2%
3 characters:66:2.0%
4 characters:188:5.7%
5 characters:317:9.5%
6 characters:1160:34.7%
7 characters:813:24.4%
8 characters:780:23.4%
The results of the word-pair tests are not included in either of the two
tables.  However, at the time of this writing, the test was approximately 10%
completed, having found an additional 0.4% of the passwords in the sample
set.  It is probably reasonable to guess that a total of 4% of the passwords
would be cracked by using word pairs.
.NH 1
Action, Reaction, and Proaction
What then, are we to do with the results presented in this paper?  Clearly,
something needs to be done to safeguard the security of our systems from
attack.  It was with intention of enhancing
security that this study was undertaken.  By knowing what kind of passwords
users use, we are able to prevent them from using those that are easily
guessable (and thus thwart the cracker).
One approach to eliminating easy-to-guess passwords is to periodically run a
password checker \- a program which scans \fI/etc/passwd\fR and tries to
break the passwords in it.
%A T. Raleigh
%A R. Underwood
%T CRACK: A Distributed Password Advisor
%J USENIX UNIX Security Workshop Proceedings
%D August 1988
%L Raleigh1988
This approach has two major drawbacks.  The first
is that the checking is very time consuming.  Even a system with only 100
accounts can take over a month to diligently check.  A halfhearted check is
almost as bad as no check at all, since users will find it easy to circumvent
the easy checks and still have vulnerable passwords.  The second drawback is
that it is very resource consuming.  The machine which is being used for
password checking is not likely to be very useful for much else, since a
fast password checker is also extremely CPU intensive.
Another popular approach to eradicating easy-to-guess passwords is to force
users to change their passwords with some frequency.  In theory, while this
does not actually eliminate any easy-to-guess passwords, it prevents the
cracker from dissecting \fI/etc/passwd\fR ``at leisure,'' since once an
account is broken, it is likely that that account will have had it's password
changed.  This is of course, only theory.  The biggest disadvantage is that
there is usually nothing to prevent a user from changing their password from
``Daniel'' to ``Victor'' to ``Klein'' and back again (to use myself as an
example) each time the system demands a new password.  Experience has shown
that even when this type of password cycling is precluded, users are easily
able to circumvent simple tests by using easily remembered (and easily
guessed) passwords such as ``dvkJanuary,'' ``dvkFebruary,'' etc.
%A Dr. Brian K Reid
%D 1989
%I DEC Western Research Laboratory
%O Personal communication.
%L Reid1989
A good
password is one that is easily remembered, yet difficult to guess.  When
confronted with a choice between remembering a password or creating one that
is hard to guess, users will almost always opt for the easy way out, and
throw security to the wind.
Which brings us to the third popular option, namely that of assigned
passwords.  These are often words from a dictionary, pronounceable nonsense
words, or random strings of characters.  The problems here are numerous and
manifest.  Words from a dictionary are easily guessed, as we have seen.
Pronounceable nonsense words (such as ``trobacar'' or ``myclepate'') are
often difficult to remember, and random strings of characters (such as
``h3rT+aQz'') are even harder to commit to memory.  Because these passwords
have no personal mnemonic association to the users, they will often write
them down to aid in their recollection.  This immediately discards any
security that might exist, because now the password is visibly associated
with the system in question.  It is akin to leaving the key under the door
mat, or writing the combination to a safe behind the picture that hides it.
A fourth method is the use of ``smart cards.''  These credit card sized
devices contain some form of encryption firmware which
will ``respond'' to an electronic ``challenge'' issued by the system onto
which the user is attempting to gain acccess.  Without the smart card, the
user (or cracker) is unable to respond to the challenge, and is denied access
to the system.  The problems with smart cards have nothing to do with
security, for in fact they are very good warders for your system.  The
drawbacks are that they can be expensive and must be carried at all times
that access to the system is desired.  They are also a bit of overkill for
research or educational systems, or systems with a high degree of user
Clearly, then, since all of these systems have drawbacks in some
environments, an additional
way must be found to aid in password security.
.NH 2
A Proactive Password Checker
The best solution to the problem of having easily guessed passwords on a
system is to prevent them from getting on the system in the first place.  If
a program such as a password checker \fIreacts\fR by detecting guessable
passwords already in place, then although the security hole is found, the hole
existed for as long as it took the program to detect it (and for the user to
again change the password).  If, however, the program which changes user's
passwords (i.e., \fI/bin/passwd\fR) checks for the safety and guessability
\fIbefore\fR that password is associated with the user's account, then the
security hole is never put in place.
In an ideal world, the proactive password changer would require eight
character passwords which are not in any dictionary, with at least one
control character or punctuation character, and mixed upper and lower case
letters.  Such a degree of security (and of accompanying inconvenience to the
users) might be too much for some sites, though.  Therefore, the proactive
checker should be tuneable on a per-site basis.  This tuning could be
accomplished either through recompilation of the \fIpasswd\fR program, or
more preferably, through a site configuration file.
As distributed, the behavior of the proactive checker should be that of
attaining maximum password security \- with the system administrator being
able to turn off certain checks.  It would be desireable to be able to test
for and reject all password permutations that were detected in this research
(and others), including:
c lw(2.3i) c lw(2.3i).
Passwords based on the user's account name
Passwords based on the user's initials or given name
Passwords which exactly match a word in a dictionary (not
just \fI/usr/dict/words\fR)
Passwords which match a word in the dictionary with some or all
letters capitalized
Passwords which match a reversed word in the dictionary
Passwords which match a reversed word in the dictionary with some or all
letters capitalized
Passwords which match a word in a dictionary with an arbitrary letter turned
into a control character
Passwords which match a dictionary word with the numbers `0', `1', `2', and
`5' substituted for the letters `o', 'l', 'z', and 's'
Passwords which are simple conjugations of a dictionary word (i.e., plurals,
adding ``ing'' or ``ed'' to the end of the word, etc.)
Passwords which are patterns from the
keyboard (i.e., ``aaaaaa'' or ``qwerty'')
Passwords which are shorter than a specific length (i.e., nothing shorter than
six characters)
Passwords which consist solely of numeric characters (i.e., Social Security
numbers, telephone numbers, house addresses or office numbers)
Passwords which do not contain mixed upper and lower case, or mixed letters
and numbers, or mixed letters and punctuation
Passwords which look like a state-issued license plate number
The configuration file which specifies the level of checking need not be
readable by users.  In fact, making this file unreadable by users (and by
potential crackers) enhances system security by hiding a valuable guide
to what passwords \fIare\fR acceptable (and conversely, which kind of
passwords simply cannot be found).
Of course, to make this proactive checker more effective, it woule be
necessary to provide the dictionaries that were used in this research
(perhaps augmented on a per-site basis).  Even more importantly, in addition
to rejecting passwords which could be easily guessed, the proactive password
changer would also have to tell the user \fIwhy\fR a particular password was
unacceptable, and give the user suggestions as to what an acceptable password
looks like.
.NH 1
Conclusion (and Sermon)
It has often been said that ``good fences make good neighbors.''  On a
Unix system, many users also say that ``I don't care who reads my files, so I
don't need a good password.''  Regrettably, leaving an account vulnerable to
attack is not the same thing as leaving files unprotected.  In the latter
case, all that is at risk is the data contained in the unprotected files,
while in the former, the whole system is at risk.  Leaving the front door to
your house open, or even putting a flimsy lock on it, is an invitation to the
unfortunately ubiquitous people with poor morals.  The same holds true for an
account that is vulnerable to attack by password cracking techniques.
While it may not be actually true that good fences make good neighbors, a
good fence at least helps keep out the bad neighbors.  Good passwords are
equivalent to those good fences, and a proactive checker is one way to
ensure that those fences are in place \fIbefore\fR a breakin problem occurs.
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"The only thing that separates us from the animals is superstition
and mindless rituals".          Daniel Klein	CMU-SEI   +1 412/268-7791