(Ernest Hua) (04/06/91)
Our current manual pages are clearly designed to work with the old AT&T 14-char file name restrictions. Unfortunately, X-Windows and Motif manual pages, among others, have manual page file names that are a bit too difficult to decypher at a quick glance (we use "xman"). Also, there appears not to be any cross referencing between functions/commands that have the same manual page. Now that we all have "real" BSD file systems, we sure would like to see all the manual pages given back to their real names. We also like to see the correct cross-references so that we can find all functions at a glance (and not have to memorize where to look for an unlisted function). Has anyone done anything to solve these two problems? Is there a script or a program that I can run to fix either (preferrably both) problems? Please reply via E-Mail if possible. -- Ernest Hua, Associate Design Engineer Tandem Computers, 19333 Vallco Parkway, Cupertino, CA 95014 408-285-5580