[comp.sources.wanted] software for handicapped

tiberio@seismo.CSS.GOV (Mike Tiberio) (11/06/86)

I am looking for some software that will run on an Apple II that will
aid someone that suffers from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (sp?))
also known as Lou Gherigs disease. Specifically the person involved is
slowly losing motor control, she long ago lost voice and is now losing
the ability to write. Is there software that would allow someone to
construct words or sentences using some simple input device that is
capable of detecting only two states. I figure she has the ability to
hit one of two buttons or to flop a joy stick right/left or to push
a mouse around. Heavy interaction with a keyboard is not a viable
alternative. Thanks in advance...


Michael Anthony Tiberio
Center for Seismic Studies
1300 N17th Street
Suite 1450
Rosslyn, Va. 22209

(703) 276-7900

I know things will get worse, any leads to systems that will work even when
the only thing the person can move is their eyes would also be appreciated.