[comp.sources.wanted] ditroff postprocessor for Xerox 2700

dlee@osu-eddie.UUCP (Dik Lun Lee) (01/04/87)

Thank you for those responded to my previous message posted in
comp.text concerning ditroff. Our next problem is to find a
post processor for ditroff to drive our Xerox 2700 laser printer.
Post processors for driving the HP LaserJet and Apple LaserWriter
can be obtained easily, but I didn't hear anything about one for
Xerox 2700. I heard that the 2700 is a very difficult thing to
drive. Any information would be appreciated.

Dik Lee
Dept. Computer Information Science


lyndon@ncc.UUCP (01/06/87)

in article <2819@osu-eddie.UUCP>, dlee@osu-eddie.UUCP (Dik Lun Lee) says:
>                               Our next problem is to find a
> post processor for ditroff to drive our Xerox 2700 laser printer.
> Post processors for driving the HP LaserJet and Apple LaserWriter
> can be obtained easily, but I didn't hear anything about one for
> Xerox 2700. I heard that the 2700 is a very difficult thing to
> drive. Any information would be appreciated.

We went through the same process with a 3700. As far as we could find out,
it's pretty well "roll your own" (we have since dumped the 3700 in
favour of a faster (cheaper) PostScript engine). Someone here said
something about Adobe Systems offering PostScript for the 2700 (saw it
at Comdex?). If this is the case, your problems may be solved.

Lyndon Nerenberg - Nexus Computing Corp. - lyndon@ncc.UUCP
UUCP: {ihnp4,ubc-vision,vax135,watmath}!alberta!ncc!lyndon