[comp.sources.wanted] looking for the source to rn

cccbruce@deneb.UUCP (01/19/87)

I am looking for the source to the latest version of rn (the new reading
program).  Could someone please email it to me?  

 Bruce K. Martin Jr. [UUCP] ...{lll-crg,ucbvax}!ucdavis!deneb!cccbruce
 (916) 756-6518      [ARPA] ucdavis!deneb!cccbruce@ucbvax.berkeley.edu

mark@cogent.UUCP (Captain Neptune) (01/19/87)

In article <85@ucdavis.UUCP> cccbruce@deneb.UUCP (Bruce Martin) writes:
>I am looking for the source to the latest version of rn (the new reading
>program).  Could someone please email it to me?  

I am running rn, but I'd like to keep up to date with new revisions.
Could a copy be mailed to me also?  Thanks.

|     Mark Steven Jeghers         ECHOMPGULP - process has eaten it          |
| cryptography, terrorist, DES, drugs, cipher, secret, decode, NSA, CIA, NRO |
|                                                                            |
|     {ihnp4,cbosgd,lll-lcc,lll-crg}|{dual,ptsfa}!cogent!mark                |
|                                                                            |
| Cogent Software Solutions can not be held responsible for anything said    |
| by the above person since they have no control over him in the first place |

wcs@ho95e.UUCP (01/23/87)

rn is in the mod.sources archives, with patches 1-27 as well.
Some of the more recent patches (current is about 36?) have been posted
on the net, but unfortunately I'm missing the first few so I can't add
the later ones.
# Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs 2G-202, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs

rs@mirror.UUCP (01/27/87)

    Anyone looking to get RN, a powerful news-reading program, up on
    their system, should first contact their upstream news feeds; it is
    a fairly safe bet that they are running it.  Failing that, the
    original distribution was posted in mod.sources years ago, and
    most (all?  I can't quite remember) mod.sources archive sites also
    keep all the patches -- currently 39, by my count.  Information on how
    to obtain postings from the mod.sources archives is posted twice in
    each volume -- I put out the most recent posting the other day.
Rich $alz					"Drug tests p**s me off"
Mirror Systems, Cambridge Massachusetts		rs@mirror.TMC.COM
{mit-eddie, ihnp4, wjh12, cca, cbosgd, seismo}!mirror!rs