[comp.sources.wanted] Need man page for crypt

lawrenc@nvanbc.UUCP (02/09/87)

Guess what!  We here in Canada don't rate the crypt() function.  Could
somebody mail me a copy of the man page so I can make a reasonable stab
at dummying up something.  I am trying to link UNaXcess and it would
probably be easier to write a simple crypt() function than to rewrite
the programs that use it.

ps. If somebody already has a simply crypt() that would be great too.

Thanks in advance.
UUCP: { ihnp4!alberta, tektronix!uw-beaver }!ubc-vision!van-bc!nvanbc!lawrence
PHONE: 1-604-736-9241 (09:00-17:00 PDT)

mouse@mcgill-vision.UUCP (02/20/87)

In article <387@nvanbc.UUCP>, lawrenc@nvanbc.UUCP (Lawrence Harris) writes:
> Guess what!  We here in Canada don't rate the crypt() function.

Wow.  How does your system encipher passwords (eg, in /etc/passwd)?
Ours [we are in Montreal (in Quebec)] uses

char *getnewpasswd(pwd,u)
/* ....assorted computation, eg, read pwbuf and generate saltc.... */

The source code to crypt has a (presumably truthful) comment at the top

 * This program implements the
 * Proposed Federal Information Processing
 *  Data Encryption Standard.
 * See Federal Register, March 17, 1975 (40FR12134)

Presumably whoever shipped us the tape was aware we are in Canada, so I
have to assume this was supposed to be supplied.

I really can't see any reason to try to forbid the export of crypt().
Any unfriendly power can certainly get a copy; if necessary they can
come to the US and print out the source (surely you don't think this
would be at all difficult).  It only makes things harder for friends
who try to stay aboveboard.

					der Mouse

USA: {ihnp4,decvax,akgua,utzoo,etc}!utcsri!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse
Europe: mcvax!decvax!utcsri!musocs!mcgill-vision!mouse
ARPAnet: think!mosart!mcgill-vision!mouse@harvard.harvard.edu