[net.cooks] Chicken breasts with tomato lime sauce

minow (05/15/82)

	Supremes de Volaille Rouge et Vert
	Chicken Breasts in Tomato-Lime Sauce

Practice this recipe first -- the cooking takes about five minutes total.

1.  Bone a whole chicken breast, obtaining two supremes, and marinaide
    for at least one-half hour in:

	Fresh lime juice,
	White wine,
	Finely chopped garlic
	Finely chopped fresh ginger
	a little tarragon

    I usually use the juice of one lime, about 1 dl (less than 1/2 cup)
    wine, one garlic clove, and a piece of ginger the same size as the
    garlic clove.  Experiment...

    Cook a boullion with the bones, skin, and other bits.

2.  Ready the ingredients for the sauce:

	Another fresh lime,
	White wine,
	Salt butter
	Tomato paste (use the French kind that comes in a toothpaste tube)

3.  Drain, flatten, and flour the supremes.  Saute quickly in clarefied
    butter (about two minutes per side), remove and keep warm.

4.  Raise the heat to high, add some boullion, wine, lime juice and a
    good squirt of tomato paste.  Cook down until it looks like it's
    been cooked too much.  Remove from the heat and swirl in a goodly
    chunk of butter.  If you remove the sauce too soon, it will be too
    soupy.  The sauce should be cinnamon colored and shiny.  There
    will be very little sauce -- you may need a rubber scraper to get
    it out of the pan.

Serve with rice or some other fairly bland vegetable.  I usually put
the serving plate on the rice pot to keep the chicken warm while cooking
the sauce.

If you've never boned a chicken breast before, look at Julia Child's
Mastering the Art ..., volume 1.  Use a sharp knife.

Martin Minow