[comp.sources.wanted] theatre inventory software?

todd@uhccux.UUCP (03/03/87)

A friend asked me to post this request for software.  Please mail any
replies to me.  Thanks...todd
--------cut here---------
I am looking for IBM PC-compatible software for
an amateur theater group.  The primary requirement is for
"inventory control"; that is, software to prepare and keep
track of cast lists, scenery and props, etc.  The objective
is to build up an inventory of what props (for example) were
used in what productions, where they are stored, what condi-
tion they are in, etc.  They want to be able to generate re-
ports that list:

        - Who worked on what productions?
        - In what productions has a given cast/crew member worked?
        - What props (scenery, etc.) were used in a production?
        - What props should appear in what scene of a production?
        - etc.
as well as ad hoc queries like prop = 'sword'.

Pointers to other types of theater software are welcomed.  

Like most theater groups, this one is money-poor, so prefer-
ence will be given to public domain or shareware packages.
Commercial products will be considered, however.   What's
another bake sale or car wash, right?

Again, please mail any responses to the address below...
Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii Computing Center
UUCP:		{ihnp4,seismo,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA:		uhccux!todd@nosc.ARPA