lloyd@moncskermit.UUCP (03/03/87)
implementation. The object is NOT to have a fast compiler producing efficient code for a large language. It should be small and written as simply as possible. The course is not concerned with the intricacies of hashing etc. so linear tables will do. The simplest parser, eg. recursive descent, would be fine. The input language should be Pascal/Algol/C -ish but very minimal. Ideally the phases (lexical, parser, type checker, code gen) will be clearly separated from each other with a minimum done "on the fly". Due to the students' background it is virtually essential that the compiler be written in Pascal. It would be nice to generate real code for a real machine of the common 1.5 address kind. please mail lloyd@moncsbruce OZ moncsbruce can be reached via munnari