[comp.sources.wanted] vi for the IBM PC

ccastmb@gitpyr.gatech.EDU (Michael Burtz) (04/27/87)

Does anyone know where I could get a copy of vi for the IBM PC? 
Is it available? Or is anything similar to vi available? 

Thanks in advance for any responses...
Michael Burtz

Georgia Insitute of Technology - Office of Computing Services
CSNET : ccastmb%gitpyr@gatech.CSNET    BITNET: ccastmb@gitvm1  
ARPA  : ccastmb@pyr.ocs.gatech.edu
"In space, it's never Miller time." - Opus (Bloom County)

louis@auvax.UUCP (04/28/87)

I have started using PC/VI from

Custom Software Systems
P.O. Box 678
Natick, MA   01760  

and find it very good.  Also I find their PC/TOOLS very useful.
Well worth the price, and the documentation is excellent.

Louis Schmittroth
Athabasca University