[comp.sources.wanted] request for info on Smalltalk-80 implementations

kusalik@sask.UUCP (Tony Kusalik) (06/10/87)

We are looking for a version of Smalltalk-80 for
SUN-3's.  We have contacted Berkeley about BSII,
but the blurb that came back states
	"It [BSII] has not been updated to run on SUN 3 or to run
	under the X window system, although others have made these

Anyone know who these "others" might be? I.e.
can anyone out there point me in the direction of
a Smalltalk-80 system for SUN-3's?

The Berkeley blurb mentions a SUN implementation done
by L. Peter Deutsch and Allan M. Schiffman.  Does anyone
know of addresses (Email or snail-mail) for them?

	Tony Kusalik