[comp.sources.wanted] WANTED: kermit for a RT-11 PDP11

jdw@garth.UUCP (06/17/87)

I'm looking for a communications package that will allow  me  to  transfer
files  from  either a VMS or UNIX machine to a RT-11 machine over a serial

Kermit would probably be the easiest but I will consider anything at this

Thanks for your help,


work (415) 858 4542

dan@rna.UUCP (Dan Ts'o) (06/17/87)

In article <437@garth.UUCP> jdw@garth.UUCP (Doug Waidhofer) writes:
>I'm looking for a communications package that will allow  me  to  transfer
>files  from  either a VMS or UNIX machine to a RT-11 machine over a serial
>Kermit would probably be the easiest but I will consider anything at this

	Kermit for RT-11 is readily available, I believe from Columbia Univ.
as well as many other RT-11 Sig groups and users. If you have trouble finding
it, mail me an RX02 floppy and I'll put it on for you.

				Dan Ts'o
				Dept. Neurobiology	212-570-7671
				Rockefeller Univ.	...cmcl2!rna!dan
				1230 York Ave.		rna!dan@nyu.arpa
				NY, NY 10021

vns@mhres.UUCP (06/19/87)

In article <437@garth.UUCP>, jdw@garth.UUCP (Doug Waidhofer) writes:
> I'm looking for a communications package that will allow  me  to  transfer
> files  from  either a VMS or UNIX machine to a RT-11 machine over a serial
> port.

We did the port to RT11 what includes also a fast full duplex CL like
handler. The whole thing was not trivial. But it works like a champ.

Please send requests to steve@txsil.uucp

Real-Name: Gertjan Vinkesteyn
UUCP and other network: ..!seismo!mcvax!mhres!vns
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