[comp.sources.wanted] Cross Compiler wanted for 65816, 6809

makoning@watdragon.UUCP (06/19/87)

I'm in need of both a C cross-compiler and a cross assembler for
the 65816 AND the 6809E processor.  The source machine will initially
be a BSD 4.3 UNIX machine but the idea is to get the compilers/assemblers
to eventually run on the target machine.  Thus, source code is
If anyone else is interested (in any of the four requested items) feel free
to e-mail me and I'll pass on any incoming source.

Maarten Koning

p.s. This is for a non-commercial (read "hacker's") project. :-)

rwb@drune.ATT.COM (BlackR) (06/25/87)

Sometime ago, a 6809 cross assembler was posted to net.sources.  It
included the lex and yacc tables, the skeleton, a make file, and manual
pages.  It came from Software Innovations, Inc. and appears to be
distributable for non-commercial purposes.  Thus, it should run on a
Unix system and if it is small enough, a micro that has a C compiler
with appropriate libraries.  I have not tried the cross assembler, so
can't comment on it.

I have a cross assembler and disassembler, but it runs on a CP/M system
and is written in BDS C (Sorry, but I don't remember the source).

The C Users' Group (Box 97, McPherson, KS. 67460) has 2 library disks of
interest.  CUG132 contains a set of 6809 tools, including s version of
Small-C and (I think) an assembler written in BDS C; thus, a CP/M system
is needed for running it, but the sources can be acquired in MS-DOS
format.  CUG221 contains a rewrite of Small C, targeted for 6809 FLEX;
thus, there is a good chance it is written in Small C and is more easily
ported to something else than the BDS C version.  The cost is $8.00
(U.S, 30% surcharge for overseas shipping), per volume.  The price is

There may be other places to get these kinds of tools as well.  Try the
comp.sys.m6809 news group.

Rodney Black
11900 N. Pecos St.
Denver, CO. 80234