hls@oce.nl (Harry Schreurs) (07/23/87)
I'm desperately seeking for a driver for Versatec's model 123 Unibus interface. Versatec did not provide us with a driver for 4.3 BSD!!! I have tried the driver supplied with 4.3 BSD but to no avail. It seems to me that the 4.3 BSD driver is written for Versatec's model 121 Unibus controller which is not compatible with model 123. Question 1: Does anybody have a working driver for this controller board. I have also trouble with the switch setting of the controller board. For now I have chosen the following setting: Device address: 0777354 Vector address: 134 The configuration of our SYSTIME 8750 ( VAX 11/750 ) : dh0 at uba? csr 0160420 vector dhrint dhxint dm0 at uba? csr 0171100 vector dmintr dh1 at uba? csr 0160440 vector dhrint dhxint dm1 at uba? csr 0171120 vector dmintr vp0 at uba? csr 0177354 vector vpintr vpintr lp0 at uba? csr 0177514 vector lpintr il0 at uba? csr 0164000 vector ilrint ilcint Question 2: Is this switch setting appropriate for this configuration? I tried to get the diagnostics for this board running but have not succeeded yet. Following are the steps it took to get the diagnostic on TU58 cassette: (1) I read DIAG.EXE and DEFBOO.CMD from magtape using the ansitape program. Doing this I discovered a bug in ansitape. After fixing the bugs I succeeded in reading the tape successfully. (2) Then I wrote DIAG.EXE and DEFBOO.CMD on TU58 cassette using the arff command. (3) Not able to make the TU58 cassette bootable I figured out the appropriate console commands to get the diagnostics running. The diagnostic then displayed some banner information and then died a sudden death!!! Question 3: Can anyone tell me what I did wrong? Does anybody have a bootable TU58 diagnostic cassette for a VAX 11/750? Harry Schreurs hls@oce.nl -or- {....,seismo,mcvax}!oce-rd1!hls /* * This note does not necessarily represent the position * of Oce-Nederland B.V. Therefore no liability or * responsibility for whatever will be accepted. */