[comp.sources.wanted] Small-C

dg@wrs.UUCP (David Goodenough) (07/28/87)

If anyone out there has the source for Small-C I would like very much to
get a copy of it.

Thanks in advance,
		dg@wrs.UUCP - David Goodenough

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bill@ozdaltx.UUCP (Billy Bob) (08/02/87)

In article <277@wrs.UUCP>, dg@wrs.UUCP (David Goodenough) writes:
> If anyone out there has the source for Small-C I would like very much to
> get a copy of it.
> 		dg@wrs.UUCP - David Goodenough

You might try some of the CPM bulletin boards and see what they have.
Another idea might be to post the message to comp.os.cpm and see what
information you can come up with.  

good luck,

bob    Billy Bob  {..ihnp4!killer!ozdaltx!bill}
