[comp.sources.wanted] X window drivers for Silicon Graphics

ian@eplunix.UUCP (Ian Boardman) (09/11/87)

If anyone knows anything about X window drivers for any SGI
systems (but, especially the now ancient 1000 series terminals),
PLEASE, please send me mail. I have a 1200 terminal on an
XNS/Ethernet to my VAX 750 running 4.3BSD. Thanks in advance.

Ian Boardman
UUCP: {mit-eddie, harvard}!eplunix!earvax!cirl!ian
ARPA: dkedd@athena.mit.edu
Ian Boardman
UUCP: {mit-eddie, harvard}!eplunix!earvax!cirl!ian
ARPA: dkedd@athena.mit.edu