[comp.sources.wanted] General statistics software

riddle@woton.UUCP (Prentiss Riddle ) (09/10/87)

It wouldn't surprise me if this is an old request, but:

We are in need of a few simple and general statistics routines, preferably
written in C, which can be run on a 3B15 under System V Release 2.1.  We're
about to start writing some ourselves from scratch, and prefer not to
reinvent the wheel. 

A collection of unrelated programs would probably do us, but we have already
figured out that the really hard part is deciding on a unified format for
representing the data in such a way that it can be digested by wildly
different programs with a minimum of hassle.  If anyone has already tackled
this and come up with a unified solution, that would be wonderful. 

What constitutes "simple" and "general" statistics?  Don't ask me, ask our
statistician...  :-)

--- Prentiss Riddle ("Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada.")
--- Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Shriners Burns Institute.
--- riddle@woton.UUCP  {ihnp4,harvard}!ut-sally!im4u!woton!riddle

wcs@ho95e.UUCP (09/17/87)

In article <929@woton.UUCP> riddle@woton.UUCP (Prentiss Riddle ) writes:
:It wouldn't surprise me if this is an old request, but:
:We are in need of a few simple and general statistics routines, preferably
:written in C, which can be run on a 3B15 under System V Release 2.1....
	System III and at least SVR0 included a package variously
	referred to as "stat" or "UNIX Graphics" or "/usr/bin/graf/*".
	I don't know if it survived the Great Unbundling that happened
	on the 3B2 machines or if you have to pay extra for it, but it
	used to be included.  Look for "graphics" in Section 1 of the
	manual, and "gps" in section 4 or 5.  Primary documentation is
	"The UNIX Graphics Guide".

	stat is a bunch of statistical and graphics programs that pipe
	together.  The data format is stuff-separated-by-white-space,
	with no special treatment of newlines.  output format is kind
	of tektronix-oriented, and the documentation is a bit
	non-UNIXy, but it seems reasobnable for a small package.

	Alternatively, Gary Perlman from Wanginst posted a package
	called UNIX|STAT a few years ago.  If he's still around you may
	be able to get it from him.
#				Thanks;
# Bill Stewart, AT&T Bell Labs 2G218, Holmdel NJ 1-201-949-0705 ihnp4!ho95c!wcs