[net.music] Looking for ...

chip (11/04/82)

    I've been looking for 2 albums for the last 7 years. I used to own copies,
  but they were destroyed when the house I was living in burned down in 1975.

    The first album is called "Spirit in the Dark", by Aretha Franklin. It
  won a Grammy Award in the early seventies for a song called "Don't Play
  That Song" (!!). Apparently, it has been out of print for quite some time.
  I would pay a reasonable amount of money to have this album.

    The other album is more obscure. Electronic music or jazz buffs might be
  familiar with it's artists: Leonid Hambro (sp?) & Gershan Kingsley (sp?).
  It's called "Gershwin Goes Underground" (I think). On the (pink) cover is
  a drawing of George Gershwin with an "afro" hairstyle (**cringe**). It has
  THE best version of "Rapsody in Blue"** that I've ever heard. In my opinion,
  this 10++ minute piano & synthesizer piece beats the hell out of anything
  that Wendy Carlos or Tomita has ever cranked out. None of the orchestral
  versions I've heard convey the same terrific sense of humor and excitement.
  I would be willing to pay an unreasonable amount of money to have a CLEAN
  copy of this album.

  ** This is NOT the semi-popular 1977 disco version of "Rapsody in Blue".

    I'd appreciate any information that would help me find either of these
  two albums (especially the latter). Please send mail directly to me.

					   Chip Hoover