[comp.sources.wanted] Display Paint pictures from a program?

geoff@eagle_snax.UUCP ( R.H. coast near the top) (10/08/87)

Does anyone know of either (a) software to let me display a
picture created with one of the popular PC paint packages
from within my program (preferably in C or ASM source
form) or (b) a paint/draw package which includes such
software, or at the very least documents fully the file
formats it uses.

Geoff Arnold, Sun Microsystems       | "Picture a bright blue ball,
East Coast Division (home of PC-NFS) |  Spinning, spinning free;
UUCP: {ihnp4,decwrl,...}!sun!garnold |  Dizzy with possibility...
ARPA: garnold@sun.com                |  Ashes, ashes, all fall down..."