[comp.sources.wanted] WANTED: ANSII C prototype generators

mark@hyper.UUCP (10/31/87)

I desperately need a program that will take C source files and generate
function prototypes ala ANSII.

(I'm switching a very hot project to a new version of the compiler that
passes parameters in different registers depending on the parameter type).

I know such things exist.  I need it yesterday.

Mark G. Mendel, ihnp4!umn-cs!hyper!mark,  Network Systems Corporation
(612)-424-4888 x2779

brianc@cognos.uucp (Brian Campbell) (11/05/87)

In article <607@hyper.UUCP> mark@hyper.UUCP writes:
> I desperately need a program that will take C source files and generate
> function prototypes ala ANSII.

You haven't mentioned what sort of hardware you're running on.  If you've got
access to the Microsoft C compiler (under DOS or XENIX) you can compile all
your sources with the -Zg option (which is reported as a syntax check I
believe).  This will produce a list of all the functions defined (both static
and global) with an ANSI function prototype.  Unfortunately, this prototype
will report the types after the preprocessor pass; FILE *fp is shown as struct
_iobuf *fp.

Maybe your lint will produce a human-readable library ... or maybe someone has
written a program to convert a lint library into a more readable format?
Brian Campbell        uucp: decvax!utzoo!dciem!nrcaer!cognos!brianc
Cognos Incorporated   mail: POB 9707, 3755 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, K1G 3Z4
(613) 738-1440        fido: (613) 731-2945 300/1200, sysop@1:163/8