shawn@laidbak.UUCP (Shawn McKay) (11/30/87)
Greetings netland! I have a friend in the hotel business that is spending about 90% of his time scheduling employees to be at particular events at particular times. It's lots of work and leaves him little time. Seems to me this should have been automated by now and I'm looking for any pointers you could give me to any software that might do the trick, or might be modified to do the trick. Please feel free to send me mail if you have something that's even slightly close and I will be very greatful. Thank you for your time and assistance. Thanks, -- Shawn -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ban silicon!", "Paramedics save lives, EMT's save paramedics." "Missed'em-V; So close and yet so far..." [Standard disclaimer, and anything else of amusement.]