[comp.sources.wanted] looking for C scope checker

phil@osiris.UUCP (Philip Kos) (12/01/87)

I am looking for a program that will check the scope of declarations in
C code, and report declarations with unnecessarily broad scope.

Something like lint (i.e. it could be run on a single file or on all the
modules which are linked into a given program) would be great, but I
could stand something that could only handle local stuff, although
automatically reporting unnecessary externs would be nice.  Doing this
manually with nm and grep, as I do now, is pretty tedious.

Any pointers will be appreciated.  Also, if anyone knows of patches to
lint to do scope checking, I would prefer that to a separate implementa-
tion.  (We have the 4.2 Berkeley lint source.)

...!decvax!decuac!\                                              Phil Kos
  ...!uunet!mimsy!aplcen!osiris!phil           The Johns Hopkins Hospital
...!allegra!/                                               Baltimore, MD