[comp.sources.wanted] Incremental Back-up Wanted

mechsfm@tness1.UUCP (Shawn McDonald 512+377-6226) (02/12/88)

We are running Unix SV.2 on an NCR Tower 32/600.  We currently have routines
to backup all of the user's files daily, but this seems to be wasteful.
What I am looking for are any routines or advice on doing incremental
back-ups.  In essence, I want to be able to do a full backup of 
certain selected files and then back-up daily to streaming tape
in cpio format any files that have been modified since the last
back-up.  I am looking for a routine that would do all of this
in the middle of the night via cron and would also output a table so that
a record could be kept of what files have been backed-up and when.
Any information you could send me concerning this would be greatly

This is my first time posting to the net, so I hope I have sent
this to the right group.

Shawn McDonald			...ihnp4!killer!tness1!tness5!mechsfm
SWBT / Network Mechanization		(512)377-6226 
San Antonio, TX